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2024 regional bursary recipient: Dowshan Nurkoo

What campus are you located at and what course are you studying? How did you hear about the regional bursary and why did you decide to apply?

I am studying the SIT30821 Certificate III in Commercial Cookery at Central Regional TAFE’s Geraldton campus.

How long have you been studying the course? What have you enjoyed about the course so far? How do you plan to use this qualification for your future career?

It’s been about six months since I started. I have enjoyed the atmosphere of working with a lot of good quality products, and I am planning on having my own ventures related to the hospitality industry one day.

What are the best things about your lecturers and teaching style? 

I really love my lecturer’s teaching style as he is really passionate about teaching students and loves his work. Also the practical aspects of this course really prepare students for working in this field.

How long you have been living in the region? How does life in Australia compare to home? 

I have been living in Geraldton for about six months. It is very similar to Mauritius with beautiful beaches, but I am kind of heartbroken that there isn’t any Muay Thai club here as becoming a pro fighter is a very important aspect of my life. Still, I really enjoy going for a run at the beach.

Have you found a part-time job?   

I have found work as a barber and I was pretty lucky to find a job the first week here. Finding work is not a problem in Geraldton I have a lot of opportunities, I am now working as a dishwasher.

Would you recommend the regional bursary to other students and why? Can you offer any advice for students considering applying for this program?

I would recommend applying for the regional bursary as it can really help towards paying for your studies. This has been really helpful to me as an international student.

Is there anything else you would like to share?

Geraldton is a really nice place to study, meet nice people and it’s a peaceful spot. 

Last updated on September 25, 2024