To view school enrolment conditions, application process and tuition fees, select your visa situation below.
Child is a dependant of your Masters/PHD student visa
Enrolment conditions
Under Western Australian (WA) Government regulations, dependants of overseas students have a lower enrolment priority in a school than Australian citizens, permanent residents and some temporary residents.
Dependants of international Masters and PhD students are permitted to enrol in public schools but are not entitled to enrol at the nearest Government school. There is high demand for places in WA Government schools and it may not be possible to place dependants in schools closest to their home, or near a university.
The enrolment of overseas fee paying students at a school is at the discretion of the principal, who must ensure that the school has an appropriate education program and available classroom accommodation.
Students on bridging visas
On a bridging visa you may access education on the same enrolment conditions allowed by your previous substantive visa. When you transition to a bridging visa you must notify TIWA immediately and provide evidence of the visa grant notice.
A Bridging visa does not extend enrolment entitlements granted for a set period of time, such as the fee waiver for dependant of a postgraduate student. If you discontinue, withdraw, or your enrolment in your study course is cancelled, you will become liable for mainstream tuition fees for your dependants' enrolment.
Fees and charges
You are not required to pay mainstream tuition fees for your child, during your postgraduate study period at a recognised WA university. You must pay other contributions and charges that apply to all WA Government schools.
The tuition fee waiver does not apply before or after your study period. At that time you pay mainstream international tuition fees.
Overseas fee-paying postgraduates with a tuition fee waiver for a dependant are required to pay the following fees which are collected by TAFE International Western Australia (TIWA):
- Tuition fee for any period when the postgraduate student is not undertaking postgraduate studies – this applies during any bridging, preliminary English or similar course.
- Additional fees are charged for students that require specialist provision or support for disability or English as an additional language – if the school determines that additional support is required, you must pay the fee prior to starting at the school.
Overseas fee paying students with a tuition fee waiver are also required to pay the following contributions, charges and fees directly to the school:
- other costs incurred by the school such as leasing or purchase of notebook computers and School Curriculum and Standards Authority fees; and
- contributions and charges payable by local students enrolled at the school.
Learn more about English language support(opens in a new tab)
Application process
1. Before you arrive
If you are studying at a university in Western Australia, you need a Confirmation of Placement from TIWA to secure your child’s dependant visa.
To receive a Confirmation of Placement, you must complete the online Confirmation of Placement application(opens in a new tab).
As part of the application process you will be required to upload the following documents for yourself and your child:
- Confirmation of Enrolment (COE) for the Primary Visa Holder
- Copy of the Primary Visa holders passport details page
- Copy of the child/children’s passport details page
This Confirmation of Placement does not guarantee you an enrolment in a public primary or secondary school.
2. After you arrive
On arrival, to request a place for your dependant in a Western Australian public primary or secondary school, you should contact the international office of your university who will provide you with a Placement request form and online application link to complete:
- Curtin University – email
- Edith Cowan University (ECU)(opens in a new tab)
- Murdoch University(opens in a new tab)
- Notre Dame(opens in a new tab)
- University of Western Australia(UWA)(opens in a new tab)
1. Once you have received the Placement request form and Application link, complete Section A of the Public school placement form and approach schools near your home address to arrange a suitable placement in a school.
- Go to enrol at a public school ( in a new tab)) and find a nearby WA public school (by name or suburb), using the Department of Education Western Australia Schools Online directory(opens in a new tab) . This tool provides school contact details and background information.
- Approach a school and submit an enrolment application directly to the school – you will need to include:
- The School placement form with Section A completed.
- Birth Certificate or extract or other identity documents.
- Copies of Family Court or any other court orders (if applicable).
- Proof of address.
- Information relating to health or medical condition, disability or additional needs (if applicable).
- Evidence of current visa subclass and previous visa subclass (if applicable, such as if current visa is a bridging visa).
- The school will notify you in writing if the enrolment of your child is approved. If so, the school will complete Section B of the School placement form.
2. Complete the online application form provided by your university
As part of the application process you will be required to upload the following documents for yourself and your child:
- Completed public school placement form
- Current visa grant documentation for you and your child
- Primary Visa holders passport details page
- The passport details page for each child
Due to high demand for places in Western Australian public schools, places in your local school and other nearby schools may not be available.
Please note: your child is not permitted to enrol at the school until the Authority to Enrol - Confirmation of School Placement Letter has been issued.
Exemptions for certain scholarship holders
Dependants of students studying a Masters (500 or 573 visa subclass) or a Masters or PhD (500 or 574 visa subclass) are eligible for the same enrolment entitlement as local students for the duration of their parents' study period only if they are the recipient of one of the following scholarships.
- AusAID Scholarship
- Full scholarship awarded by the Commonwealth of Australia to a person who, because of the scholarship is permitted under a law of the Commonwealth to reside in Australia
- Full scholarship awarded by Edith Cowan University (ECU), Curtin University of Technology, Murdoch University or the University of Western Australia
You will need to pay local contributions, charges and fees payable by local students enrolled at the school. Learn more about fees and charges on our School fees and charges page.
You should apply for confirmation of your scholarship status through the International Office of your university.
We will issue a Letter of introduction for you to give the school, confirming your local enrolment entitlement. The enrolment entitlement is limited to the duration of your scholarship.
Scholarships that also sponsor dependant children
Masters or Doctoral degree students 500 or 573 and 574 visa subclasses who are in receipt of a scholarship that also sponsors their dependant children, are required to pay the mainstream tuition fee for overseas fee paying students.
You will also need to pay school contributions and charges, and any intensive English or specialist disability services as assessed by the school.
Child is a dependant of your Temporary Skill Shortage visa (482) or Temporary Work (Skilled) visa (457)
Enrolment conditions and application process
As a 457 or 482 Visa holder your children have the same access to public education as local Western Australian children. You can enrol your child at your local public school.
Tuition fees for dependants of 457 and 482 visa holders
Please note: In 2025 you do not need to pay the fee. The Western Australian Government recognises the importance of attracting and retaining skilled migrant families in Western Australia, and in doing so is supporting these families by waiving public school fees for their children for 2025. Local fees and charges at the school still apply.
Generally, there is a yearly tuition fee of AUD$4,000, regardless of how many children a family have enrolled (Pre-primary to Year 12).
In Western Australia, TAFE International Western Australia manages the visa 457 and 482 fee collection is managed on behalf of the Department of Education.
As the visa holder, you must keep your visa details up to date at each school your dependant children attend.
How to pay the fee
You will receive a Fee Advice for $4,000 from TAFE International Western Australia, the State Government agency responsible for overseas fee paying students attending Western Australian public schools. The Fee Advice will be sent to you as an email or in the post. You can elect to pay the tuition fee upfront or in instalments (weekly, fortnightly or monthly) via direct debit.
Full payment must be received before the end of the school calendar year in which the invoice is issued. If payments are made by instalments then the final instalment must be completed by the end of the last week of the school year.
There is no restriction on who pays the tuition fee – for example, your employer can pay the fee.
Any unpaid or outstanding tuition fees from previous years must be paid along with the current year fees.
What if I am not/ no longer eligible to pay the fee?
You will no longer be eligible to pay the fee if:
- your children leave the public school system; or
- your visa status changes.
Please note: you are required to pay for the number of weeks your children attend a public school up to and including the week your visa status changed.
You must notify each of your children's schools of the change to your status. This will ensure a correct Fee Advice is issued and you receive any refunds for which you may be eligible.
TIWA will notify you if you are eligible to apply for a refund for any excess payments you have made.
Pay the fee online
Fees may be paid online in full or by instalments using your unique link via BPoint. This link can be found on your fee advice.
Alternatively, please contact our office at in a new tab) and the link will be sent to you via email.
Am I eligible to apply for a financial hardship provision?
You can apply to have your tuition fee reduced or waived.
An application for a fee waiver must be made within the year that the fee is incurred. Financial hardship applications for previous years tuition fees can no longer be submitted.
There are two different kinds of financial hardship applications.
If your combined gross family income is $75 000 or less a year, you are eligible to apply for a fee waiver. The waiver is not ongoing. You will need to apply each year and produce evidence to support your application.
If there are unforeseen changes to your financial circumstances which have impacted your ability to pay the fee you are eligible to apply for a fee waiver within six months of the event. These unforeseen changes include illness, unemployment, change of employment conditions, family breakdown and death.
Applications will be considered on a case by case basis. A fee waiver is only for the period where you do not have the ability to pay the tuition fee; it is not ongoing. You will need to provide evidence to support your application.
Frequently asked questions and translated information sheets for families
Is the tuition fee for each child or a family?
The tuition fee is $4,000 for a family each year, regardless of the number of children in each family who are enrolled in public schools. Families with the oldest child enrolled in Kindergarten are not required to pay the tuition fee.
Who will collect the tuition fee?
The fee will be collected by TAFE International Western Australia (TIWA), the State Government agency responsible for overseas fee-paying students attending Western Australian public schools.
Will anything change about the enrolment of children?
No. Children will continue to be allowed to enrol in their local schools.
When do I pay?
TIWA will send you a Fee Advice each school year. Full payment should be received before the end of the school calendar year in which the invoice is issued. You are still responsible for any fees owing from previous years.
Can I pay in instalments?
Yes, you can select to pay the tuition fee upfront or in instalments (weekly, fortnightly or monthly) via direct debit.
Can my employer pay the fee?
Yes, there are no restrictions on who pays the fee.
Are there any financial hardship provisions?
Yes, there are two financial hardship provisions.
- Your combined gross family income. If your combined gross family income is $75 000 or less a year before tax and other deductions are made, you are eligible to apply for a fee waiver. The waiver is not ongoing. You will need to apply each year and produce evidence to support your application.
- Unforeseen changes to your financial circumstance. Changes that impact your capacity to pay the tuition fee include illness, unemployment, change of employment conditions, family breakdown and death.
An application for financial hardship must be made within the year that the fee is incurred.
What evidence do I need to provide in my application under the financial hardship provisions?
For a financial hardship application based on combined gross family income of $75 000 or less you will need to provide evidence to allow your combined gross family income to be calculated for the calendar year. Evidence from you and your partner should include:
- the three most recent payslips;
- evidence of year to date income;
- income reported in PAYG or group certificates from all employment in the last 12 months; and
- the 457 or 482 Visa grant notice or employment contract with guaranteed income.
The combined gross family income is the total taxable income received by the employed parents before tax and other deductions are made. Income from overtime or bonus payments is included.
You will need to apply each year to have the tuition fee waived based on your combined gross family income.
An application based on unforeseen changes to financial circumstance must be made within six months of the unforeseen event. You must provide evidence of the event and how it has affected your ability to pay the fee. If you are unemployed, this should include letters of termination or redundancy, final payslips for a job or information about how long you have been unemployed. Applications will be considered on a case by case basis and any full or partial waiver applies only for the period where you do not have the capacity to pay the tuition fee. It is not ongoing.
When can I apply under the financial hardship provisions?
You can apply once you receive the Fee Advice for the tuition fee from TAFE International Western Australia.
When will I be notified of the outcome of my application under the financial hardship provisions?
You will be notified of the outcome of your application between four and six weeks after all required documentation has been provided to TAFE International Western Australia.
I used to be on a 457 or 482 Visa but I am now a permanent resident. Do I have to pay the tuition fee?
The fee applies from the beginning of the school year to the end of the week that your permanent residence was granted. You need to provide appropriate documentary evidence to each of your children's schools and to TIWA so your record can be updated and you receive any refunds for which you may be eligible.
I used to be on a 457 or 482 Visa but I am now on a Bridging Visa. Do I have to pay the tuition fee?
Yes, the conditions and entitlements of your previous substantive visa remain in place. If your previous substantive visa was a 457 or 482, then you will need to continue to pay the tuition fee.
If I am no longer eligible to pay the fee but have already done so, do I get a refund?
Yes. TAFE International Western Australia will inform you if you are eligible to apply for a refund.
My oldest child is in Kindergarten. Do I have to pay the fee?
No. You do not have to pay the fee if your oldest child is in Kindergarten. The fee applies from Pre-primary to Year 12. When your family has a child enrolled in compulsory schooling, you will be required to pay the fee.
Can I speak with someone about my situation?
Yes, please telephone us on 9218 2100, and select option 1.
If you require the assistance of a translator, please phone TIS International on 131 450.
View the information sheet for parents [PDF 501 KB](PDF document - opens in a new tab) (PDF, 107KB)
View your translated information sheet:
Arabic [PDF 455 KB](PDF document - opens in a new tab)
Chinese [PDF 658 KB](PDF document - opens in a new tab)
Dutch [PDF 352 KB](PDF document - opens in a new tab)
French [PDF 353 KB](PDF document - opens in a new tab)
Hindi [PDF 434 KB](PDF document - opens in a new tab)
Indonesian [PDF 348 KB](PDF document - opens in a new tab)
Italian [PDF 349 KB](PDF document - opens in a new tab)
Japanese [PDF 451 KB](PDF document - opens in a new tab)
Korean [PDF 816 KB](PDF document - opens in a new tab)
Malayalam [PDF 247 KB](PDF document - opens in a new tab)
Spanish [PDF 350 KB](PDF document - opens in a new tab)
Tagalog [PDF 347 KB](PDF document - opens in a new tab)
Tamil [PDF 405 KB](PDF document - opens in a new tab)
Vietnamese [PDF 374 KB](PDF document - opens in a new tab)
If you have any queries, please contact TAFE International Western Australia on 9218 2100 (option 1).
Download forms
Online payment methods receive priority processing, ahead of PDF form submissions below.
- Applying for financial hardship guidelines(opens in a new tab)
- Application for financial hardship based on combined gross family income(opens in a new tab)
- Application for financial hardship based on unforeseen changes in your financial circumstances which have impacted your ability to pay the fee(opens in a new tab)
- Direct debit payment schedule form for 457 or 482 tuition fees(opens in a new tab)
- Employer nomination to pay 457 or 482 dependant fee on behalf of employee(opens in a new tab)
- Tuition fee refund guidelines for dependants of 457 or 482 visa holders(opens in a new tab)
Child is a dependant of your visa not mentioned above
Enrolment conditions
If you are an international tertiary student on a 500, 570, 572 or 573 (Non Masters) Visa, your child needs to be enrolled as full fee paying overseas students for the duration of your visa.
Under WA Government regulations, dependants of overseas students have a lower enrolment priority in a school than Australian citizens, permanent residents and some temporary residents.
There is high demand for places in WA Government schools and it may not be possible to place your child in a school close to your home address or near your educational institution.
The principal of an approved school decides the enrolment of overseas fee-paying students. They must ensure that the school has an appropriate education program and available classroom accommodation.
Students on bridging visas
On a bridging visa you may access education on the same enrolment conditions allowed by your previous substantive visa. When you transition to a bridging visa you must notify TIWA immediately and provide evidence of the visa grant notice.
A Bridging visa does not extend enrolment entitlements granted for a set period of time, such as the fee waiver for dependant of a postgraduate student. If you discontinue, withdraw, or your enrolment in your study course is cancelled, you will become liable for mainstream tuition fees for your dependants' enrolment.
Exemptions for certain scholarship holders
Dependants of approved scholarship holders are eligible for the same enrolment entitlement as local students for the duration of your study period only if you are the recipient of one of the following scholarships.
- AusAID Scholarship
- Full scholarship awarded by the Commonwealth of Australia to a person who, because of the scholarship is permitted under a law of the Commonwealth to reside in Australia
- Full scholarship awarded by Edith Cowan University (ECU), Curtin University of Technology, Murdoch University or the University of Western Australia
You will need to pay contributions, charges and fees payable by local students directly to the school.
You should apply for confirmation of your scholarship status through the International Office of your university.
We will issue a letter of introduction for you to give the school, confirming your local enrolment entitlement. The enrolment entitlement is limited to the duration of your scholarship.
Fees and charges
You pay mainstream tuition fees and charges – please view our School fees and charges page.
Application process
1. Before you arrive
If you are studying at an Education Provider in Western Australia you will need a Confirmation of Placement from TAFE International Western Australia to secure your child’s dependant visa.
To receive a Confirmation of Placement, you must complete the online Confirmation of Placement application(opens in a new tab).
As part of the application process, you will be required to upload the following documents for yourself and your child:
- Confirmation of Enrolment (COE) for the Primary Visa Holder
- Copy of the Primary Visa holders passport details page
- Copy of the child/children’s passport details page
This Confirmation of Placement does not guarantee you an enrolment in a public primary or secondary school.
2. After you arrive
To apply for a placement for your child in a WA Government school you must:
1. Complete Section A of the Public School Placement Form [PDF 254 KB](PDF document - opens in a new tab) and approach schools near your home address to arrange a suitable placement in a school.
- Go to enrol at a public school ( in a new tab)) and find a nearby WA public school (by name or suburb), using the Department of Education Western Australia Schools Online directory(opens in a new tab) . This tool provides school contact details and background information.
- Approach a school and submit an enrolment application directly to the school – you will need to include:
- The School placement form with Section A completed
- Birth Certificate or extract or other identity documents
- Copies of Family Court or any other court orders (if applicable)
- Proof of address
- Information relating to health or medical condition, disability or additional needs (if applicable)
- Evidence of current visa subclass and previous visa subclass (if applicable, such as if current visa is a bridging visa)
- The school will notify you in writing if the enrolment of your child is approved. If so, the school will complete Section B of the School placement form.
2. Complete the online Overseas Fee Paying Application(opens in a new tab)
As part of the application process you will be required to upload the following documents for yourself and your child:
- Completed Public school placement form
- Current visa grant documentation for you and your child
- Primary Visa holders passport details page
- The passport details page for each child
Due to high demand for places in Western Australian public schools, places in your local school and other nearby schools may not be available.
Please note: your child is not permitted to enrol at a school until the initial payment is made and the Authority to Enrol – Confirmation of School Placement Letter has been issued.
Transition from primary to secondary school application form
If your child is due to complete Year 6 in a WA Government school and will continue to secondary school (Year 7), please approach your local Secondary schools to complete a new Public school placement form(opens in a new tab), then email your completed form to