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CHC52021 Diploma of Community Services

National ID
WA Course Code
Student Athena standing in foyer of Perth TAFE campus. She wears a black t-shirt and a backpack on one shoulder. She faces towards the camera with a big smile.

Why choose this course?

This course will equip you with job-ready skills to become a team leader in the community service industry. 

Learn from lecturers who are experienced professionals, to support people to make change in their lives to improve personal and social wellbeing.

Gain the skills to develop and implement community programs, facilitate and review case management, recognise and respond appropriately to critical situations including domestic and family violence, and manage legal and ethical compliance.

You may find employment as a program coordinator, early intervention worker, or case manager in the private and government sector, or not for profit organisations for youth programs, alcohol and drug centres, nonclinical mental health settings, multicultural services, disability and aged care.

Career opportunities

  • Community Worker
  • Disabilities Services Officer
  • Family Support Worker
  • Welfare Worker

When choosing a course, it's important to think about the key skills and knowledge you'll need, as well as how you'll be assessed. Take a look at this information and consider if you might face any challenges in meeting the course expectations and requirements.

  • Must be over 18 years of age 
  • Able to work with a National Police Clearance that is free of any criminal conviction 
  • Able to communicate well in English with clients, families and community members
  • Able to perform manual lifting tasks in personal care work
  • Can work through confronting content on topics such as sexual abuse, childhood trauma, domestic violence and drug and alcohol abuse
  • Can maintain positivity and be respectful, resilient and empathetic 
  • Can maintain confidentiality, uses initiative and leadership skills
  • Strong communication, consultation, problem solving and negotiation skills
  • Ability to understand and develop managerial skills

  • An IELTS score (academic) of 6.0 with no band score less than 5.0 or equivalent.

  • Completion of CHC42021 Certificate IV in Community Services OR CHC40421 Certificate IV in Youth Work is required for entry into this course at Central Regional TAFE.

  • Completion of CHC42021 Certificate IV in Community Services is required for entry into this course at South Metropolitan TAFE.

  • This course requires immunisations and/or proof of vaccination status before attending mandatory work placement. Costs and vaccine requirements may vary depending on your placement centre and/or doctor’s fee schedule. Please follow instructions/advice provided to you during enrolment/orientation. You will not be able to complete your course if these requirements are not met.

Your study options

Semester 2, 2025

At this campus
The CHC52021 Diploma of Community Services will be delivered at Bentley Campus.
Duration | 2 semesters
When | Semester 2, 2025
Where | South Metropolitan TAFE (52787)
How | On campus and work placement, to a minimum of 20 contact hours per week
Fees (total indicative for course)
  • Tuition fee: $13,400
  • Resources fee: $752
  • Materials fee: $200

Tuition fees are reviewed annually. If tuition fees are increased, you will be required to pay the new fees as they are introduced. You will be provided with an indicative schedule of fees in your Letter of Offer.

Resource fees are for consumables you use in your course e.g. paint, internet etc. You pay this fee to your college at enrolment. If your course goes longer than one semester, the resource fee may not need to be paid in one amount but may be spaced out over the duration of your course. Your college will advise you of the payment amount each semester.

Material fees are for items that remain your property after the course has been completed e.g. personal protective equipment, tools, text books etc.

Work placement

Students are required to undertake approximately 240 hours of supervised work placement in a relevant community services agency or facility. This work placement helps to strengthen the skills and knowledge you have learnt during your studies in a real workplace environment. You will be supervised during your work placement by staff at the facility and your supervision and support requirements will be fully documented. An SMT Lecturer will conduct workplace visits to provide ongoing support, modelling and coaching.

Core units
    National ID
    Unit title
  • CHCCCS004 Assess co-existing needs
  • CHCCCS007 Develop and implement service programs
  • CHCCCS019 Recognise and respond to crisis situations
  • CHCCSM013 Facilitate and review case management
  • CHCDEV005 Analyse impacts of sociological factors on people in community work and services
  • CHCDFV001 Recognise and respond appropriately to domestic and family violence
  • CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
  • CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety
  • CHCLEG003 Manage legal and ethical compliance
  • CHCMGT005 Facilitate workplace debriefing and support processes
  • CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice
  • HLTWHS003 Maintain work health and safety
Elective units
    National ID
    Unit title
  • CHCCCS003 Increase the safety of individuals at risk of suicide
  • CHCCSL001 Establish and confirm the counselling relationship
  • CHCCSL002 Apply specialist interpersonal and counselling interview skills
  • CHCCSL007 Support counselling clients in decision-making processes
  • CHCCSM009 Facilitate goal directed planning
  • CHCCSM012 Coordinate complex case requirements
  • CHCMHS007 Work effectively in trauma informed care
  • CHCSOH013 Work with people experiencing or at risk of homelessness

Assessment methods

Evidence is either collected during a real work situation (work placement) or a simulated work environment created on-campus (Directions Community Centre).  

These assessment strategies and evidence gathering are in accordance with the relevant training package or accreditation guidelines. Detailed Information is available in the assessment matrix, learning plans and assessment tools for each of the units of competency. Assessors use this matrix to ensure assessments, are undertaken across the duration of the course, rather than clustered together at particular times.

Learning resources, facilities and equipment

The following learning resources, facilities and equipment are available at each campus so that you can achieve the skill and knowledge requirements of this course.

Learning resources may include access to Blackboard, Lecturer developed handouts, workbooks, learner guides, textbooks, case studies, scenarios, access to health, safety and community services websites, and policies and procedures relevant to community service organisations.

Facilities and equipment may include access to fully equipped classrooms with a whiteboard, library resource centre, computer labs, and a simulated workplace which has been designed to reflect a real world community services agency.

Key dates

Semester and holiday dates are included in your Letter of Offer. View upcoming semester start and end dates.

Semester 1, 2026

Duration | 2 semesters
When | Semester 1, 2026
Where | Central Regional TAFE (52789)
How | On campus and work placement, to a minimum of 20 contact hours per week
Fees (total indicative for course)
  • Tuition fee: $13,400
  • Resources fee: $210
  • Materials fee: $160

Tuition fees are reviewed annually. If tuition fees are increased, you will be required to pay the new fees as they are introduced. You will be provided with an indicative schedule of fees in your Letter of Offer.

Resource fees are for consumables you use in your course e.g. paint, internet etc. You pay this fee to your college at enrolment. If your course goes longer than one semester, the resource fee may not need to be paid in one amount but may be spaced out over the duration of your course. Your college will advise you of the payment amount each semester.

Material fees are for items that remain your property after the course has been completed e.g. personal protective equipment, tools, text books etc.

Work placement

Students are required to undertake approximately 200 hours of supervised work placement in a relevant community services agency or facility. This work placement helps to strengthen the skills and knowledge you have learnt during your studies in a real workplace environment. You will be supervised during your work placement by staff at the facility and your supervision and support requirements will be fully documented. An CRT Lecturer will conduct workplace visits to provide ongoing support, modelling and coaching.

To achieve this qualification, students must demonstrate competency in 20 units. These 20 are comprised of 12 core units and 8 elective units. Elective units listed below have been selected in consultation with industry.

Students who enrol into this qualification will be eligible for credit transfer of the units that they have already achieved. Fees paid by international students are set on a commercial basis and are paid as a whole of course fee - no refund will apply to credit transfers. Please refer to your letter of Offer for detailed duration and costings for your enrolment.

Core units
    National ID
    Unit title
  • CHCCCS004 Assess co-existing needs
  • CHCCCS007 Develop and implement service programs
  • CHCCCS019 Recognise and respond to crisis situations
  • CHCCSM013 Facilitate and review case management
  • CHCDEV005 Analyse impacts of sociological factors on people in community work and services
  • CHCDFV001 Recognise and respond appropriately to domestic and family violence
  • CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
  • CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety
  • CHCLEG003 Manage legal and ethical compliance
  • CHCMGT005 Facilitate workplace debriefing and support processes
  • CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice
  • HLTWHS003 Maintain work health and safety
Elective units
    National ID
    Unit title
  • CHCCCS009 Facilitate responsible behaviour
  • CHCGRP002 Plan and conduct group activities
  • CHCMHS001 Work with people with mental health issues
  • CHCMHS007 Work effectively in trauma informed care
  • CHCPRP001 Develop and maintain networks and collaborative partnerships
  • CHCPRT025 Identify and report children and young people at risk
  • CHCYTH013 Engage respectfully with young people
  • CHCYTH024 Manage service response to young people in crisis

Assessment methods

The methods of assessment used in this course include written tests, oral questions, direct observations such as role-plays and practical activities, assignments including projects and evidence portfolios, community development project aimed at young people, third party assessment and work placement.

These assessment strategies and evidence gathering are in accordance with the relevant training package or accreditation guidelines. Detailed Information is available in the assessment matrix, learning plans and assessment tools for each of the units of competency. Assessors use this matrix to ensure assessments, are undertaken across the duration of the course, rather than clustered together at particular times.

Learning resources, facilities and equipment

The following learning resources, facilities and equipment are available at each campus so that you can achieve the skill and knowledge requirements of this course.

Learning resources may include access to handouts, industry web links, You tube clips, PowerPoints, videos and online resources such as Blendspace.

Facilities and equipment may include access to classrooms, computer labs, equipment and facilities relevant to the community services industry.

Key dates

Semester and holiday dates are included in your Letter of Offer. View upcoming semester start and end dates.

Semester 1, 2026

At this campus
The CHC52021 Diploma of Community Services will be delivered at Bentley Campus.
Duration | 2 semesters
When | Semester 1, 2026
Where | South Metropolitan TAFE (52787)
How | On campus and work placement, to a minimum of 20 contact hours per week
Fees (total indicative for course)
  • Tuition fee: $13,400
  • Resources fee: $752
  • Materials fee: $200

Tuition fees are reviewed annually. If tuition fees are increased, you will be required to pay the new fees as they are introduced. You will be provided with an indicative schedule of fees in your Letter of Offer.

Resource fees are for consumables you use in your course e.g. paint, internet etc. You pay this fee to your college at enrolment. If your course goes longer than one semester, the resource fee may not need to be paid in one amount but may be spaced out over the duration of your course. Your college will advise you of the payment amount each semester.

Material fees are for items that remain your property after the course has been completed e.g. personal protective equipment, tools, text books etc.

Work placement

Students are required to undertake approximately 240 hours of supervised work placement in a relevant community services agency or facility. This work placement helps to strengthen the skills and knowledge you have learnt during your studies in a real workplace environment. You will be supervised during your work placement by staff at the facility and your supervision and support requirements will be fully documented. An SMT Lecturer will conduct workplace visits to provide ongoing support, modelling and coaching.

Core units
    National ID
    Unit title
  • CHCCCS004 Assess co-existing needs
  • CHCCCS007 Develop and implement service programs
  • CHCCCS019 Recognise and respond to crisis situations
  • CHCCSM013 Facilitate and review case management
  • CHCDEV005 Analyse impacts of sociological factors on people in community work and services
  • CHCDFV001 Recognise and respond appropriately to domestic and family violence
  • CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
  • CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety
  • CHCLEG003 Manage legal and ethical compliance
  • CHCMGT005 Facilitate workplace debriefing and support processes
  • CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice
  • HLTWHS003 Maintain work health and safety
Elective units
    National ID
    Unit title
  • CHCCCS003 Increase the safety of individuals at risk of suicide
  • CHCCSL001 Establish and confirm the counselling relationship
  • CHCCSL002 Apply specialist interpersonal and counselling interview skills
  • CHCCSL007 Support counselling clients in decision-making processes
  • CHCCSM009 Facilitate goal directed planning
  • CHCCSM012 Coordinate complex case requirements
  • CHCMHS007 Work effectively in trauma informed care
  • CHCSOH013 Work with people experiencing or at risk of homelessness

Assessment methods

Evidence is either collected during a real work situation (work placement) or a simulated work environment created on-campus (Directions Community Centre).  

These assessment strategies and evidence gathering are in accordance with the relevant training package or accreditation guidelines. Detailed Information is available in the assessment matrix, learning plans and assessment tools for each of the units of competency. Assessors use this matrix to ensure assessments, are undertaken across the duration of the course, rather than clustered together at particular times.

Learning resources, facilities and equipment

The following learning resources, facilities and equipment are available at each campus so that you can achieve the skill and knowledge requirements of this course.

Learning resources may include access to Blackboard, Lecturer developed handouts, workbooks, learner guides, textbooks, case studies, scenarios, access to health, safety and community services websites, and policies and procedures relevant to community service organisations.

Facilities and equipment may include access to fully equipped classrooms with a whiteboard, library resource centre, computer labs, and a simulated workplace which has been designed to reflect a real world community services agency.

Key dates

Semester and holiday dates are included in your Letter of Offer. View upcoming semester start and end dates.

Semester 2, 2026

At this campus
The CHC52021 Diploma of Community Services will be delivered at Bentley Campus.
Duration | 2 semesters
When | Semester 2, 2026
Where | South Metropolitan TAFE (52787)
How | On campus and work placement, to a minimum of 20 contact hours per week
Fees (total indicative for course)
  • Tuition fee: $13,400
  • Resources fee: $752
  • Materials fee: $200

Tuition fees are reviewed annually. If tuition fees are increased, you will be required to pay the new fees as they are introduced. You will be provided with an indicative schedule of fees in your Letter of Offer.

Resource fees are for consumables you use in your course e.g. paint, internet etc. You pay this fee to your college at enrolment. If your course goes longer than one semester, the resource fee may not need to be paid in one amount but may be spaced out over the duration of your course. Your college will advise you of the payment amount each semester.

Material fees are for items that remain your property after the course has been completed e.g. personal protective equipment, tools, text books etc.

Work placement

Students are required to undertake approximately 240 hours of supervised work placement in a relevant community services agency or facility. This work placement helps to strengthen the skills and knowledge you have learnt during your studies in a real workplace environment. You will be supervised during your work placement by staff at the facility and your supervision and support requirements will be fully documented. An SMT Lecturer will conduct workplace visits to provide ongoing support, modelling and coaching.

Core units
    National ID
    Unit title
  • CHCCCS004 Assess co-existing needs
  • CHCCCS007 Develop and implement service programs
  • CHCCCS019 Recognise and respond to crisis situations
  • CHCCSM013 Facilitate and review case management
  • CHCDEV005 Analyse impacts of sociological factors on people in community work and services
  • CHCDFV001 Recognise and respond appropriately to domestic and family violence
  • CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
  • CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety
  • CHCLEG003 Manage legal and ethical compliance
  • CHCMGT005 Facilitate workplace debriefing and support processes
  • CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice
  • HLTWHS003 Maintain work health and safety
Elective units
    National ID
    Unit title
  • CHCCCS003 Increase the safety of individuals at risk of suicide
  • CHCCSL001 Establish and confirm the counselling relationship
  • CHCCSL002 Apply specialist interpersonal and counselling interview skills
  • CHCCSL007 Support counselling clients in decision-making processes
  • CHCCSM009 Facilitate goal directed planning
  • CHCCSM012 Coordinate complex case requirements
  • CHCMHS007 Work effectively in trauma informed care
  • CHCSOH013 Work with people experiencing or at risk of homelessness

Assessment methods

Evidence is either collected during a real work situation (work placement) or a simulated work environment created on-campus (Directions Community Centre).  

These assessment strategies and evidence gathering are in accordance with the relevant training package or accreditation guidelines. Detailed Information is available in the assessment matrix, learning plans and assessment tools for each of the units of competency. Assessors use this matrix to ensure assessments, are undertaken across the duration of the course, rather than clustered together at particular times.

Learning resources, facilities and equipment

The following learning resources, facilities and equipment are available at each campus so that you can achieve the skill and knowledge requirements of this course.

Learning resources may include access to Blackboard, Lecturer developed handouts, workbooks, learner guides, textbooks, case studies, scenarios, access to health, safety and community services websites, and policies and procedures relevant to community service organisations.

Facilities and equipment may include access to fully equipped classrooms with a whiteboard, library resource centre, computer labs, and a simulated workplace which has been designed to reflect a real world community services agency.

Key dates

Semester and holiday dates are included in your Letter of Offer. View upcoming semester start and end dates.

Semester 1, 2027

Duration | 2 semesters
When | Semester 1, 2027
Where | Central Regional TAFE (52789)
How | On campus and work placement, to a minimum of 20 contact hours per week
Fees (total indicative for course)
  • Tuition fee: $13,400
  • Resources fee: $210
  • Materials fee: $160

Tuition fees are reviewed annually. If tuition fees are increased, you will be required to pay the new fees as they are introduced. You will be provided with an indicative schedule of fees in your Letter of Offer.

Resource fees are for consumables you use in your course e.g. paint, internet etc. You pay this fee to your college at enrolment. If your course goes longer than one semester, the resource fee may not need to be paid in one amount but may be spaced out over the duration of your course. Your college will advise you of the payment amount each semester.

Material fees are for items that remain your property after the course has been completed e.g. personal protective equipment, tools, text books etc.

Work placement

Students are required to undertake approximately 200 hours of supervised work placement in a relevant community services agency or facility. This work placement helps to strengthen the skills and knowledge you have learnt during your studies in a real workplace environment. You will be supervised during your work placement by staff at the facility and your supervision and support requirements will be fully documented. An CRT Lecturer will conduct workplace visits to provide ongoing support, modelling and coaching.

To achieve this qualification, students must demonstrate competency in 20 units. These 20 are comprised of 12 core units and 8 elective units. Elective units listed below have been selected in consultation with industry.

Students who enrol into this qualification will be eligible for credit transfer of the units that they have already achieved. Fees paid by international students are set on a commercial basis and are paid as a whole of course fee - no refund will apply to credit transfers. Please refer to your letter of Offer for detailed duration and costings for your enrolment.

Core units
    National ID
    Unit title
  • CHCCCS004 Assess co-existing needs
  • CHCCCS007 Develop and implement service programs
  • CHCCCS019 Recognise and respond to crisis situations
  • CHCCSM013 Facilitate and review case management
  • CHCDEV005 Analyse impacts of sociological factors on people in community work and services
  • CHCDFV001 Recognise and respond appropriately to domestic and family violence
  • CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
  • CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety
  • CHCLEG003 Manage legal and ethical compliance
  • CHCMGT005 Facilitate workplace debriefing and support processes
  • CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice
  • HLTWHS003 Maintain work health and safety
Elective units
    National ID
    Unit title
  • CHCCCS009 Facilitate responsible behaviour
  • CHCGRP002 Plan and conduct group activities
  • CHCMHS001 Work with people with mental health issues
  • CHCMHS007 Work effectively in trauma informed care
  • CHCPRP001 Develop and maintain networks and collaborative partnerships
  • CHCPRT025 Identify and report children and young people at risk
  • CHCYTH013 Engage respectfully with young people
  • CHCYTH024 Manage service response to young people in crisis

Assessment methods

The methods of assessment used in this course include written tests, oral questions, direct observations such as role-plays and practical activities, assignments including projects and evidence portfolios, community development project aimed at young people, third party assessment and work placement.

These assessment strategies and evidence gathering are in accordance with the relevant training package or accreditation guidelines. Detailed Information is available in the assessment matrix, learning plans and assessment tools for each of the units of competency. Assessors use this matrix to ensure assessments, are undertaken across the duration of the course, rather than clustered together at particular times.

Learning resources, facilities and equipment

The following learning resources, facilities and equipment are available at each campus so that you can achieve the skill and knowledge requirements of this course.

Learning resources may include access to handouts, industry web links, You tube clips, PowerPoints, videos and online resources such as Blendspace.

Facilities and equipment may include access to classrooms, computer labs, equipment and facilities relevant to the community services industry.

Key dates

Semester and holiday dates are included in your Letter of Offer. View upcoming semester start and end dates.

Semester 1, 2027

At this campus
The CHC52021 Diploma of Community Services will be delivered at Bentley Campus.
Duration | 2 semesters
When | Semester 1, 2027
Where | South Metropolitan TAFE (52787)
How | On campus and work placement, to a minimum of 20 contact hours per week
Fees (total indicative for course)
  • Tuition fee: $13,400
  • Resources fee: $752
  • Materials fee: $200

Tuition fees are reviewed annually. If tuition fees are increased, you will be required to pay the new fees as they are introduced. You will be provided with an indicative schedule of fees in your Letter of Offer.

Resource fees are for consumables you use in your course e.g. paint, internet etc. You pay this fee to your college at enrolment. If your course goes longer than one semester, the resource fee may not need to be paid in one amount but may be spaced out over the duration of your course. Your college will advise you of the payment amount each semester.

Material fees are for items that remain your property after the course has been completed e.g. personal protective equipment, tools, text books etc.

Work placement

Students are required to undertake approximately 240 hours of supervised work placement in a relevant community services agency or facility. This work placement helps to strengthen the skills and knowledge you have learnt during your studies in a real workplace environment. You will be supervised during your work placement by staff at the facility and your supervision and support requirements will be fully documented. An SMT Lecturer will conduct workplace visits to provide ongoing support, modelling and coaching.

Core units
    National ID
    Unit title
  • CHCCCS004 Assess co-existing needs
  • CHCCCS007 Develop and implement service programs
  • CHCCCS019 Recognise and respond to crisis situations
  • CHCCSM013 Facilitate and review case management
  • CHCDEV005 Analyse impacts of sociological factors on people in community work and services
  • CHCDFV001 Recognise and respond appropriately to domestic and family violence
  • CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
  • CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety
  • CHCLEG003 Manage legal and ethical compliance
  • CHCMGT005 Facilitate workplace debriefing and support processes
  • CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice
  • HLTWHS003 Maintain work health and safety
Elective units
    National ID
    Unit title
  • CHCCCS003 Increase the safety of individuals at risk of suicide
  • CHCCSL001 Establish and confirm the counselling relationship
  • CHCCSL002 Apply specialist interpersonal and counselling interview skills
  • CHCCSL007 Support counselling clients in decision-making processes
  • CHCCSM009 Facilitate goal directed planning
  • CHCCSM012 Coordinate complex case requirements
  • CHCMHS007 Work effectively in trauma informed care
  • CHCSOH013 Work with people experiencing or at risk of homelessness

Assessment methods

Evidence is either collected during a real work situation (work placement) or a simulated work environment created on-campus (Directions Community Centre).  

These assessment strategies and evidence gathering are in accordance with the relevant training package or accreditation guidelines. Detailed Information is available in the assessment matrix, learning plans and assessment tools for each of the units of competency. Assessors use this matrix to ensure assessments, are undertaken across the duration of the course, rather than clustered together at particular times.

Learning resources, facilities and equipment

The following learning resources, facilities and equipment are available at each campus so that you can achieve the skill and knowledge requirements of this course.

Learning resources may include access to Blackboard, Lecturer developed handouts, workbooks, learner guides, textbooks, case studies, scenarios, access to health, safety and community services websites, and policies and procedures relevant to community service organisations.

Facilities and equipment may include access to fully equipped classrooms with a whiteboard, library resource centre, computer labs, and a simulated workplace which has been designed to reflect a real world community services agency.

Key dates

Semester and holiday dates are included in your Letter of Offer. View upcoming semester start and end dates.

There may be further semester intakes available for enrolment. You can view any further intakes when you submit your online application(opens in a new tab).

For information about pathways from TAFE to university, view our Pathways to university page.

How to apply

Apply to study at TAFE in six steps:

  1. find a course;
  2. check entry requirements;
  3. submit an application;
  4. accept your offer and pay;
  5. apply for your student visa; and
  6. receive your visa and come to Australia for your studies.

Apply now(opens in a new tab)

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TAFE International Western Australia (TIWA) is the Registered Training Organisation (RTO) and Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) provider, for the delivery of training to international students, enrolled in a TAFE course in Western Australia. This nationally recognised course is delivered by a Western Australian TAFE college on TIWA's behalf. TIWA retains responsibility for the quality of the training and assessment delivered by the TAFE colleges and for the issue of certification documentation to students.

Last updated on March 14, 2025